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Knit Pause

Knitting Retreats and Knitwear Designs by Sol Le Roux

Knit Pause with the Moon - Episode 4 - Receiving Creative Energy

Knit Pause with the Moon Podcast

Knit Pause with the Moon - Episode 4 - Receiving Creative Energy

Solène Le Roux

Welcome to this episode of Knit Pause with the Moon recorded on the March 2021 Pisces new moon (but you can listen to it at any time). I’m Solène, you’re host and together today we will share a moment of creative pause around the theme of dreaming and receiving creative energy. I will start by sharing some reflections and ideas on how to work with this theme in your creative activities and then we will do a guided meditation together to help you ground, relax and open up to more creative energy in your knitting pauses!

A few words about the season and this New Moon

I always like to start with a few words about the season that we are in and the energy of this specific new moon, but if you’re listening to this at any other time, don’t worry! If the theme speaks to you, it’s pretty universal.

When I’m recording this, it’s the end of Winter, the Spring equinoxe happens next week and in these last few days of Winter, as nature starts awakening and emerging everywhere, slowly, we have an opportunity as we pause and enjoy the first signs of Spring, to reflect on what we’ve been growing underneath during Winter and for the past year.

In this very special time that we are living, it’s also the anniversary of the beginning of our pandemic year. And so there’s a lot of emotion and collective trauma there. Maybe you’re feeling a bit blue these days reflecting back on your year, and that’s completely normal.

We have our last new moon of the astrological year, in the sign of Pisces, which happens to be my sun sign as I am born of March 20th, on the day of the equinoxe! So it’s an archetype that I deeply love and understand.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so it has gathered all the informations from the previous signs, all year long, and it has a deep wisdom that can’t be contained into the limits that society dictates us. It’s a water sign so it’s highly adaptable, emotive, highly creative. It’s often seen as dreamy and sometimes disconnected from reality but behind dreams hides true wisdom. Pisces teaches us to pause and dream. To learn to float in our own creative waters and to receive the creativity that is all around us in the universe.

3 creative invitations

  • ALLOW YOURSELF TO PAUSE AND RECEIVE CREATIVE ENERGY The most important thing here is to make time and space to intentionally pause and rest. Winter is a season where we are asked by nature to pause and rest more than the rest of the year, and yet, our human activities often make us be way too active. So at the end of it, we tend to be exhausted which it’s completely normal because we’ve used up all of our energy, and like the animals that have been hibernating all Winter long, using all their food supplies, we need to go gather new energy. But in order to feel some new creative energy in ourselves, we need to come back to a state of receptivity by pausing, by stepping out of the idea of having to be active all the time. So if you’re able, make some extra room to pause this week. Find a meditative knitting project, do some extra meditation or relaxation time, listen to music. Whatever works for you. It’s a moment where you can’t really force anything to happen, it’s more about letting things come and fall into place. Letting new ideas, inspiration come to you. And maybe you will get a very clear and precise idea. Or maybe not, it doesn’t really matter. The most important thing is to reconnect to the fact that you are creative, that you are a part of the creative vibrations of the universe, and creativity and inspiration can come through you so you can receive exactly what you need in this moment. Let it come.

  • EXPRESS YOUR EMOTIONS THROUGH KNITTING Since it’s a season where we are very much connected to our emotions, we need places to express them. And knitting is a powerful way to do so, because when we knit, we put a part of ourselves and what we are feeling in each stitch. So if you’ve been feeling frustrations, fear or grief, your knit can be a way to acknowledge those feelings, to materialize them in a powerful way and let them out of yourself as they are transformed into something beautiful that you can gift or wear as a reminder of what you’ve been through and how strong or wise it’s made you.

  • CONNECT TO YOUR INTUITION AND DREAMS Connecting to your intution is a practice of getting more in tune with yourself, of identifying what you love, what works for you. Connecting with your intuition can be just the very simple practice of taking the time to reflect after you’ve knitted a project for example or before you start one, to ask yourself how it makes you feel, what makes it unique to you. It’s a practice of tuning in and listening to yourself. One way I love connecting to my intuition is through journaling. I journal daily, as a way to check in with myself, my emotional state, the state of my creativity. To write down what excites me, what inspires me. And this journaling space is also often a place to dream and imagine, to put some ideas on paper, without the pressure of ever having to do anything with them it’s just a place to dream. And having a place to dream is very precious, so make sure you have one, whether it’s through journaling, through queuing your next projects, or through talking them out with someone you love. Being in community can be very powerful for that. If you’re interested in exploring all of that with me and a small group of international knitters, I have a Home Spring Retreat starting soon and there are some spots left.

Meditation to open up to receive more creative energy

After entering a space of meditation by reconnecting to your breath, body, and to your emotions, take a moment to feel the expansion of this space of pause that you can imagine as a wide blue sky of peace and relaxation.

Take a moment to ground, and feel the connection, through the earth, to all living beings, to the animal realm that you are a part of. Feel the vibration of nature awakening as Spring is coming. Everything around you is pure power of creation. The first flowers breaking through the cold ground. The leaves growing in the trees. The birds building their nest and getting ready for the arrival of Spring.

Feel yourself opening up to this soft creative vibration. Opening up to receive the creative power of the earth, of the sky, of the universe. To let creativity, ideas and inspiration come to you and through you. Maybe one of them will stop here and give you some clarity. Maybe they will all just pass through and keep on moving from being to being. But trust that you will receive what you need. In this space of pause. Feel this wholeness, this creativity that is you and the rest of the world.

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